About Brusnika


Brusnika specializes in construction of multi-storey residential buildings. In all its activities the company follows set long-term development plans.

We pay great respect to the quality of construction, use of technical innovations and improving reputation among our customers.

This strategy ensures reliability and sustainability of our company.


Brusnika constantly improves technical solutions in construction. Our engineers distinguish two categories of quality - production and consumer.

Consumer quality brings functionality and opportunities for a person,and ergonomics and aesthetics for an overall project. Production quality is a combination of reliability, safety, maintainability and durability of structures and engineering.


Brusnika applies constant research in design and construction of buildings. The company develops new technical solutions and methods and tests their implementation. Much attention is paid to the aesthetics of the house and environmental issues. We are committed to continuous innovation in management, introduction of advanced engineering technologies and systematic improvement of customer service.


Brusnika`s stability as a business is the main pillar for its competitiveness. Therefore, all the activities of the company, including financial risks management and efficiency of production and management processes improvement, are aimed on creating and strengthening its sustainability. This approach builds a long-term reputation among a wide range of stakeholders. Communications also play an important role: we strive to be open and understandable to our customers. We listen to them and give feedback. This shapes the foundation of mutual trust.

Our business model is based on management of the main stages of supply chain: assortment planning, management of technical documentation design, obtaining permits before construction launch, organization of general contracting during construction phase, quality control, organization and support of sales, laying foundations for honest and effective maintenance of our residential buildings.

This model is based on the main competencies in construction of urban multi-storey housing. Brusnika develops exclusively management functions (customer-developer interaction) and does not invest in creation of non-core production assets. Our partnerships with contractors, construction materials manufacturers, suppliers of technological equipment and lifting and transport devices are based on mutual trust and co-creation of long-term production plans. Such approach allows Brusnika to be focused on improving its own competencies.

350 contractors
10 000 jobs

Brusnika has its own Association of contractors. The main goal of the Association is to unite successful contracting companies in a professional community to help exchange experience, knowledge and technologies, based on own practices, technical platform and sustainable production of Brusnika.

The company is intolerable to any forms and manifestations of corruption, unfair competition and discrediting business practices. Our managers and employees do not give or take bribes. During  tenders phase for construction works and supply of materials, all criteria are clearly defined, and procedures are open to public.

Our company's goal is to build a sustainable business, development and growth of which are based on systemic advantages that are not sensitive to short-term market changes.